
Read What people have posted…


We have set this page up as a way for us to all celebrate the life of our friend Paul Marowelli.

Paul was well know and well loved and we wanted to collect those memories in on place and share it with the world.

We invite you to contribute your memory to this archive and share it with everyone.

We may try to move a couple on here but we would love to hear from folks first hand…

Please sign your posts.

Please feel free free to send in your stories and images to I

Hi all. lenz here. WordPress is being temperamental regarding posting images via email. They get here but don’t make it on the post. Dagnabit. Sorry. Works everywhere else… I am working on it but if you have photos to send in send them to and I will post it for you.

Just send them to as large as you have them or if you would like to know how i would normally like you to format images, read on. The method below is best for all images that you send – small enough to be received by anyone but large enough to show detail.

To post an entry to the archive we ask that you format your images within certain boundries.

1. Large images (Over 2mb) will not post so we ask that you check the size and if its too big, resize it. The image should have its width or heigh be no more than 1200 pixels, 72 dpi and saved with an image quality of 75%.

If you are not familiar with photoshop there is an online image editor you can use at


2. Open up and choose the file from your hard drive you want to optimize. Use the settings above…

3. When you click “Optimize Photo” it will show you your optimized image – click on the image and save it somewhere you can find it. NAME THE IMAGE WITH THE CAPTION YOU WOULD LIKE. i.e. paul-and-skittles.jpg

4. Create a new email in “Outlook” and address it to The subject of the email will become the title – keep the title short and direct – the text in the body will be the body of the post this can be as long as you want but not too long.

5. When you click send it will post to the FFRC web site.

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