Memory of Paul, our friend,
At Catstock 1 I got to say a brief Hi to Paul. I wish I been able to talk to him more. He was running around setting things up, doing this, doing that. When the rain and wind started he was heading back into the center and it was obvious he was not feeling well. He had his hand on his left side and kind of hunched over. He came back out of the center and in the pouring rain and wind he stood at the gate to the driveway waiting for cars to come in. He was soaking wet. Since there was not much traffic coming in he went over and got in his truck and when my friend and I left he looked like he was sleeping. That’s our Paul. I admired him so much. He was where he wanted to be with all of us. And helping Jacci.
My very favorite time with Paul was on chat when everyone was talking about music and songs. It was a great and special time and I know many have mentioned this. I will always remember that night.
Paul was a special man, a gentle soul with a huge heart and love for kitties like the rest of us.
Rest in Peace Paul. Love you man, and as he said many, many times to us chatters when he left the center, bye y’all.
You will be greatly missed.
Rose in Iowa a/k/a RoseSF6cats